Paymentsop organizes another Israeli Payments Meetup

We had great Israeli Payments Meetup yesterday at Wework!

For the first half of the meetup we have a presentation on Challenges in the Payment Processing world by Limor Segev, Head of Billing and Payments at Wework.


And the second half the meetup we have an expert panel, moderated by Keren Aviasaf. The panel discussed GDPR and its challenges with the following participants:


*Tal Miller - CEO at Fibonatix.

* Karen Cohen - Product Architect and Engineering Manager at

* Etti Berger - Data Security Expert

* Adam Kogan Co Founder & VP product at Payme

It was absolute pleasure to catch up with our colleagues and meet new members of the group.

Special Thanks to Omer Schatzky, Galia Goldstein, Elaid Saporta,and the WeWork team for organizing this meetup with us.

Our next meetup will be held in October! Register to our meetup group to receive notifications -